good gold is built on the foundation of intention.
it’s about more than just pretty jewelry or shiny gold chains-

it’s gold with soul

we believe wholeheartedly in your right to food, clothing, shelter and healthcare. we believe that everyone on this earth deserves a good life, free from exploitation, discrimination, hatred, bias or bigotry. we live in a time where those things are at stake for many people that work and live beside us, and it’s up to us, on the individual level, to do what we can to shape the world we want to live in.

this is why every time you get zapped, a portion of that sale is donated to an organization or cause that pushes us forward and fights for real change. so every time you look down and see your gold sparkle, you’ll know you did something good.

we may not always get it right, but we are always open to learning and helping where we can, and one thing we won’t compromise on is our belief in equality for all, and that is the basis of this community we are building.

thank you so much for being here.

where we’ve sparked change: